5.2 by Rider735 Changes: -Customizable hotkeys (BETA). (Changeable in HUDconfig.ini) -AI uses instashields. (toggleable in configDO.ini) -AI uses EMP's. (toggleable in configDO.ini) -AI can now use RSB. (toggleable in configDO.ini) -Jackpot arena. -Reworked credit/ep/honor rewards. -UCB-100 ammunition can now [B]ONLY[/B] be obtained trough galaxy gates. -PVP kills now grant more exp/honor. -All sprites have been reduced in size to match darkorbit. -Reworked sprite loading for aliens. -Rankpoints required for each rank have been reduced. -Clicking galaxy gates now requires 100 uridium, instead of credits. -EMP/ISH/RSB for AI is no longer defined trough "ship level", but instead it's based on a random number. -Lowered the cooldowns of emp/ish for both AI and player by 10 seconds. -Increased cooldown on RSB for AI by a random number. (This is to prevent AI from basically using "auto changer") -Uridium can also be obtained by killing aliens. -JPA will reward the player with 1 million uridium. -Fixed a bug where some text would show up as "0". -Fixed a bug where botters would run before you even hit them. -Fixed a bug where autosave wouldn't work. -Fixed a bug where the AI would shoot beyond their range. -Fixed a bug where the AI would just fly in circles and not shoot you. -All lasers on ship are now properly alligned. -Solace will now have the green health icon. 5.1.1 Patch 1 -Fixed the bug with GG builder. (Text was in wrong place on higher resolution) -Fixed protegit bug, they can be locked and fired upon now. -Fixed some resolution bugs. -Fixed a bug where AI could hit 2million+. -Fixed a bug where you could shoot rsb+x4 at exactly the same time. -Fixed a bug where minimap would show old map images. 5.1.1 New user/ship HUD Removed minimap HUD Added a new resolution Minor changes to increase speed.(Going to do a full overhaul in 5.1.2) Added new map backgrounds (x-1 and pvp maps) Fixed some bugs with extra hp/shield/damage calculations Fixed a bug with switching between old/new lasers More minor bugfixes. 5.1 New features: - Hate how your enemy outruns you? Not anymore! Update will include fully working DCR250 rockets! - Want to see how your rankpoints have been calculated? Want to see how many kills you've made? Next update will include a way of finding out - Options menu -Custom changeable damage. This was done due to some people wanting high damage, and others wanted lower damage. It can be changed from the options menu. - New minimap image for enemy's. (similar to x-1 enemy's on DO.) - Added a few more icons to HUD -Replaced the new alien sprites, with older sprites to reduce lag. -Level cap has been raised to 30 -Toggleable old/new lasers -New splash screen -4-4 map -4-5 map -Upper maps (x-5,x-6,x-7,x-8) -Cubikons -Ships now give more dmg/shield/hp depending on your design. -Ships will no longer have extra slots for lasers/shields -Drone formations will have bonuses(e.g. Heart formation = extra hp/shield ) -Drone designs will also give bonuses(e.g. Hercules = extra hp/shield, havoc=extra damage) -Added proper graphics for recharging -Botters; (Some AI now have botting behaviors, e.g. not shooting at other ships, running to gate when attacked) -Cloaking now works like in DO (Ship will be transparent, instead of invisible) -Galaxy gates Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta -Galaxy gate builder -New minimap image for enemy's. (similar to x-1 enemy's on DO.) -Added a few more icons to HUD -REP robot now has proper behavior Bug-fixes: -Fixed a bug where drones would rotate around your ship if you had somebody locked. -Fixed a bug where you couldn't buy vengeance designs anymore if you had the revenge design. -Fixed a bug where you would also shoot X4 ammo when shooting RSB. -Bugfix; Hate how AI can shoot you from half-way across the map? Not anymore! AI can't shoot anymore if you're out of range. -Bugfix; Experience weights to heavy in current rankpoint calculation, will be lowered. -Fixed a bug where you would have a large range then the AI. -Fixed a bug where NPC's would sometimes be invisible. -Fixed a recharge bug -Fixed a countdown bug in GG's -Fixed a bug where sometimes you wouldn't see the locking circle on your target -Fixed a bug where the AI wouldn't use all ships -Non-aggressive aliens will now behave as such. (They won't shoot you anymore, unless fired upon) -Fixed a memory leak caused by galaxy gate portals (You could end up having ~500 portals on same map.-Caused game to crash) -Fixed a bug where NPC's would sometimes be invisible. -Fixed a bug where you would have a larger range then the AI 5.0 Added: SAB-50 RSB-75 EMP ISH More designs Improved shop More cheatcodes Energy transfer Tweaked damage Apis Zeus droneformations havoc hercules Levels Experience points Honor Ranks based on EP+Honor+Ship kills 4.4 by rider735 -Ranks! and fixed bug of drones directions! 4.3 by Hugo95=) -NEW Darkorbit 3D graphic! -in this versione there are only goliath, with different characteristics! -new drone formation -map ???(4-4) -CLOAK(invisible): button 0 -Money Hack: button M 4.2 by Manulaiko: -Added new graphics -New hotkeys -Added cheats (find them ^^) 4.1 by Hugo95=): -Cubikon invasion pvp! 4.0 by Hugo95=): New graphic. havoc, hercules, LF-4, new design, and RSB-75... Damage over 100'000 when you are Full of LF-4. -=[ Sibelon ]=- and -=[ Devolarium ]=- give more UCB-100(x4). max number of drones for enemy = 10. value of HP, SHD, and DMG, changed for all ships. changed the prices of the items.